
What are anxiety disorders?

Everyone feels anxious from time to time, but an anxiety disorder is more extreme and persists over time when not treated. Several anxiety disorders exist, including social anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder. Treatment at mentaHope Psychiatry can reduce the bothersome effects of anxiety, dramatically improving your quality of life.

Which symptoms do anxiety disorders cause?

Anxiety disorders can lead to:

  • Ongoing nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Tension
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Hyperventilation
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sense of doom
  • Fatigue
  • Worry
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Panic attacks

You might avoid people, places, or situations that provoke anxiousness because of an anxiety disorder.

What are the different forms of anxiety disorder?

Many types of anxiety disorders exist, including:

Generalized anxiety disorder

This disorder causes ongoing worry about everyday activities and events that don’t bother many other people.


Agoraphobia is a condition characterized by fear in situations that make you feel embarrassed, helpless, or trapped.

Medical condition-related anxiety disorder

This anxiety disorder is directly related to having a physical health problem.

Social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder causes anxiousness during social situations, particularly when you’re in larger groups. 

Panic disorder

Panic disorder causes repeated episodes of panic attacks (intense fear or terror).


Phobias cause anxiety when exposed to specific objects or situations.

Separation anxiety disorder

This anxiety disorder typically occurs in some children when they’re apart from their caregivers.

Substance misuse anxiety disorder

Substance misuse can cause panic resulting from misusing drugs.

See the mentalHope Psychiatry experts if an anxiety disorder is causing problems for you or a loved one.

How is an anxiety disorder diagnosed?

Diagnosing an anxiety disorder involves discussing your medical history, lifestyle, and medications. Your provider completes a psychiatric evaluation to assess your emotions, mood, thoughts, and behaviors. They conduct detailed assessments to accurately diagnose anxiety disorders and develop a treatment specific to your needs.

How is an anxiety disorder treated?

mentalHope Psychiatry provides the following treatments for anxiety disorders:

  • Medication management
  • Psychotherapy 
  • Lifestyle counseling

Medication takes the edge off anxiety symptoms, while therapy and lifestyle coaching teach you ways to better cope with your condition, restore peace, and help you thrive in everyday situations. mentaHope Psychiatry provides continuous support and follow-up care that prioritizes family involvement.

Schedule a telehealth evaluation at mentalHope Psychiatry online today.